Confidence Self Development

Building Confidence through Personal Growth

Bloom Brilliance: Bloom into Brilliance Triangle

Hello, it’s Sage. When I first started the concept of the Bloom Brilliance blog, I created the “Bloom into Brilliance” concept triangle. The Bloom into Brilliance triangle is based on what I have learned through my personal growth journey and in building confidence through personal growth. It serves as the model behind the concept of the Bloom Brilliance blog.

Continuous personal growth gives a person the power and tools to build their true authenticity and an inner confidence that endures. I am a late bloomer. I feel that part of being a late bloomer is the idea of allowing as much time as it takes to discover oneself and how one fits into the world and their surroundings. It is never too late to continue to grow and develop that awareness.

As a late bloomer I spent a significant amount of time doing the deep personal work. This inner work has enabled me to find out what gives me meaning, how to implement the things I enjoy into my life and work, and to figure out how to be confident in who I am. I am still doing the work, I am still blooming, and I feel it is a lifelong process.

The Bloom into Brilliance triangle can apply to anyone anywhere in their self-growth journey. For some, finding yourself and building confidence takes longer than others, for others having confidence comes easier.

Bloom Brilliance’s commitment is to provide various tools to help deepen this work no matter where you are at and at all tiers of the Bloom into Brilliance triangle. Below is the Bloom into Brilliance triangle and descriptions.

Purpose + Vision

At the foundation of the Bloom into Brilliance triangle, is having a purpose and personal vision. Your purpose are the things you find meaningful and give you pleasure. A personal vision is an inherent sense of your personal life trajectory. It is something deeply known at the inner core that becomes more defined over time.

Personal Growth + Inner Strength

Next is continuous personal growth and developing an inner strength.These two areas go hand in hand and can take a lot of work, time, and patience. Personal growth and inner strength are the bulk of continuous personal development. Through this work, it provides one with tools to building confidence through personal growth.


The top tier, Confidence refers to eventually deeply knowing oneself. There develops this unwavering personal knowledge that guides one through their life’s journey, obstacles and all. It is recognizing the values and beliefs that make you uniquely you and to exist confidently in who you are.

To get started with some tools on personal growth, check out these blog posts:

Create your Personal Mission and Vision

Goal-Setting Method that Work!

Five Self Help Books for Personal Development

Bloom Brilliance’s self-reflection series with free worksheets and prompts: Reflect
